Preamplifier Microphone with 2 Transistor

Microphone preamplifier or often known as mic preamp can be made use simplemicrophone preamplifier circuit as follows. 2 microphone preamplifier circuit uses 2transistors are PNP and NPN transitor amplifier.

Front of the microphone amplifier orpreamplifier microphone 2 transistor uses a system of dc negative feedback through R6which serves to provide stability strengthening. Level output signal from the microphonepreamplifier is controlled by potentiometer P1. Input signal that can be responded well by this microphone preamplifier is 0.2 - 200mV and 1V RMS output will result.

   Component List      P1 2k2
     R1, R2, R3 100K 1/4W
     R4 8K2 1/4W
     R5 68R 1/4W
     R6 6K8 1/4W
     R7, R8 1K 1/4W
     R9 150R 1/4W
     C1 1uF 63V
     C2, C3, C4 100uF 25V
     C5 22uF 25V
     Q1 BC560C
     Q2 BC550C
Microphone preamplifier circuit two transistors in the show above is preampmic suitable for home audio system on the stereo. This microphone preamplifier circuit requires supply voltages 9Vdc.